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Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW)

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Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) Empty Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW)

Post by VS126 Tue 25 Jan 2011, 11:30

Synergy HiFi 6F3 Class A Single Ended Triode-Pentode Tube Intergrated Amplifier. This is the New Model to the 6moons award winner APPJ miniwatt S1.
HiFidelity recently voted Synergy HiFi 6F3 the "BEST PRODUCT 2010" (Chk review on 6moons).Available in many colors as listed below. Probably the best table top hifi amplifier available. Perform best with high efficiency speakers but easily drives many speakers in small room. Classic Tube sound.
6F3 tubes supplied are NOS tubes produced in Shanghai in 1970s and can be replaced by European ECL85, ECL805 and Japanese 6GV8 or Russian 6F5P.

Very simple circuit which makes use of 6F3's triode as amplifying stage driving it's own power pentode and deliver pure 2.5w per channel.

Input voltage 100V to 240Vac makes it convenient to use it anywhere in the world. Chassis colors as pictured below ie gold, silver, pink, black and cool grey.

Uses high quality Japanese Nichico 200uF/200V as cathode caps, Blue Rifa 0.1 uF caps in coupling Stage. Alps (Japan) volume control and Z11 output transformer. Can also configure as a power amp, using a pair to drive a speaker in biamp/biwire mode.

Output impedance 4/6/8/16 ohms
Output power 2.5W + 2.5W @8ohms

I want to introduce the beauty of Single Ended Class A Tube Sound without spending a fortune and also easy maintenance. Replacement tubes costs only RM80.00 per pair.

Price RMsold per piece Pls contact 012-332 1812

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) Appj-610

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) 6f3-0510

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) 6f3-0610

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) 6f3-0410

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) 6f3-0210

Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) Dscn0810Synergy HIfi (APPJ) 6F3 Class A Single Ended Tube Amplifier (NEW) 6f3-0310
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 640
Age : 68
Location : Petaling Jaya
Registration date : 2009-01-20

Character sheet
Source(s): MacMini, 16GB RAM, SSD with Clones mPsu / Clones Asher DSD Dac
Amplification: Crayon CFA 1.2, Red Dragon S500, Clones Audio 25PM /AP2
Speakers: Spatial Hologram M3 Turbo S, Spatial Lumina 12Be Statement and soon Spatial X-1 Uniwave with Vinnie Rossi Lio 4 channel Ultracapacitor amp.

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