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Dynaudio Dm 3/7 Floor Standing Speaker (New)

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Dynaudio Dm 3/7 Floor Standing Speaker (New) Empty Dynaudio Dm 3/7 Floor Standing Speaker (New)

Post by steve126 Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:29 pm

Dynaudio Dm 3/7 Floor Standing Speaker (New) Dyn_dm10
Dynaudio Dm 3/7 Floor Standing Speaker

Dynaudio calls its DM range ‘cost-effective, high performance solutions'. And with this speaker's sibling (the Award-winning DM 2/6) fresh in our minds, that seems a fair enough claim. But, a £1700 speaker has to do lots to justify the tagline.

The DM 3/7 is the floorstander in question. It has two 17cm magnesium silicate polymer midbass drivers housed in die-cast aluminium baskets, alongside a 28mm tweeter.

Selling Price : RM 8,530.00 (Call For Best Price)

Best regard
Steve Chua

CMY Audio & Visual Sdn. Bhd.
S336, 2nd Floor,
1 Utama Shopping Centre,
(New Wing) Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 373
Age : 43
Location : kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2009-03-11


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