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Analysis Oval 9 Speaker Cable - SOLD!

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Analysis Oval 9 Speaker Cable  -  SOLD! Empty Analysis Oval 9 Speaker Cable - SOLD!

Post by superfi Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:07 am

Analysis Oval 9 Speaker Cable  -  SOLD! Analys15
(Picture from the Net)
This is a speaker cable that has won a number of rave reviews.  They offer a most quiet background, deep soundstage, real taut and low bass performance as well as treble that is true to the music.  Unlike other cables which may sound "hifi" but soon gets tiring after prolonged listening, the Analysis Ova 9 draws the listener more and more into the music as one begin to discover hidden information not heard before. Many rave reviews of this cable, described as "The Analysis Plus loudspeaker cables benefit from a very solid foundation. That's likely at least partially a function of sheer gauge (conductor mass) and perhaps even the firm's claims for how their geometry prevents "current bunching" - 6moons. in fact, the large flat cable is equivalent to a huge 9 SWG sized cable, which guarantees unimpeded signal transfer or loss.

Click on the links below to see the reviews yourself:

Bought new from Singapore at SGD700, but now asking for RM900 for a quick sale and it needs a new home.  Too many speaker cables to rotate, therefore, offering the Analysis Oval for sale.  Condition 8/10 - Spades on one end, bananas at the other.  Length is 2.5 meters pair

Kindly contact/sms: George at 012-2955266 for a quick deal.
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 543
Location : Petaling Jaya
Registration date : 2012-05-24

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