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(sold)Parasound HCA-1000A high current stereo power amplifier

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(sold)Parasound HCA-1000A high current stereo power amplifier  Empty (sold)Parasound HCA-1000A high current stereo power amplifier

Post by HiFiLab Mon Aug 24, 2020 1:46 pm

Parasound HCA-1000A stereo or mono, used in excellent condition

Perhaps the best value in a Home THX Ultra-certified amplifier to be found anywhere. This John Curl-designed amplifier brings out all the subtle details of your music, yet still has the punch for the boldest crescendos and home cinema special-effects explosions. It also features automatic turn-on, making it ideal for home theaters and custom, multi-zone installations.


Circuitry designed by John Curl
THX Ultra-certified
Direct Coupled -- no capacitors or inductors in signal path
Input stage uses hand matched complementary JFETs
12 beta-matched 15 amp, 50 MHz bipolar output transistors
785VA Toroid power transformer with independent secondary windings for each channel, 40,000 µF power supply filter capacitance
Independent power supplies for each channel
DC Servo and relay protection circuits
Highbias Class A/AB operation
AC present, standby/normal, current overload indicators
Tiffany-style RCA input jacks, loop output jacks
12 volt DC automatic turn-on circuitry
Gold-plated 5 way speaker binding posts
Custom designed removable IEC AC cord
Rear mounted gain controls; ground lift switch
2 rack space height front panel
Rack mounting adapter available

Continuous Power Output - Stereo:
125 watts RMS x 2, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 8 Ω, both channels driven;
200 watts RMS x 2, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 4 Ω, both channels driven
Continuous Power Output - Mono:
400 watts RMS, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 8 Ω
Current Capacity:
45 amperes peak per channel
Slew Rate:
>130 V/µsecond
Power Bandwith:
5 Hz - 100 kHz, +0/-3 dB at 1 watt
Total Harmonic Distortion:
< 0.03% at full power; < 0.01 % typical levels
IM Distortion:
< 0.03 %
Dynamic Headroom:
> 1.5 dB
Interchannel Crosstalk:
> 80 dB at 1 kHz; > 60 dB at 20 kHz
Input Sensitivity:
1 V for 28.28 V, THX Reference Level; 1.1 V for full output
Input Impedance: 33 k Ω
S/N Ratio: > 116 dB, full power; > 96 dB, THX Reference Level
Damping Factor:
> 800 at 20 Hz
Power Consumption:
500 watts
w 17 1/4" x h 3 1/2" x d 13 1/4", h 4 1/8" with feet
Net Weight:
22 lb

Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 45
Location : klang
Registration date : 2011-03-12

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