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NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold)

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NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) Empty NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold)

Post by 1stopbuysell@gmail.com Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:47 pm

NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (New)

Manual Audio Selector 4-way Speaker Switcher Box Stereo Amplifier Splitter
Newstar Tokyo Japan
Features2-IN-4-OUT Audio selector, the input can be connected to 2 amplifiers, and the output has 4 interfaces, which can be connected to speakers.The panel has Push-Button input and output switching buttons, manual switching, stable sound without interference; no need to plug in, easy to use and save energy.There is a non-slip pad at the bottom to protect your desktop; using audio equipment with a switch can avoid the wear and tear of the interface caused by plugging and plugging, and prolong the service life of the audio equipment.

Location : Puchong
Price : sold 

For further inquiries call ☎ or whatsapp :
Chia : 013-338 0628

NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) 20220623
NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) 20220624
NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) 20220625
NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) 20220626
NEWSTAR 2-in 4-out Speaker Selector (Sold) 58437610

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Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 1814
Age : 53
Location : Puchong
Registration date : 2019-07-07

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