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Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used)

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Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) Empty Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used)

Post by choyaudiovisual Fri Nov 08, 2024 4:37 am

Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used)

Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) O0o-1810
Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) Img_1942
Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) Img_1943

Solid cable engineering delivers solid bass

Enjoy clear, accurate bass from your powered subwoofer with AudioQuest’s advanced SUB-X cable. AudioQuest takes their own innovative approach to cable design based on years of in-house research, carefully engineering their cables to transfer signals as faithfully as possible.
Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) H703SUBX2M-o

Solid conductors improve accuracy and clarity

The cable features two identical conductors, one positive and one negative. Each of the conductors is a single, unbroken strand of 1.25% silver-plated copper. Solid conductors eliminate electrical and magnetic interference that can add brittleness to the sound with multi-strand conductor cables.
Audioquest Sub -X Subwoofer cable 4.5m RCA to RCA (Used) P703SUBX2M-o_profile

High-quality shielding, insulation, and connectors

Foam insulation surrounds the positive conductor to minimize information smearing. Both conductors are enclosed by an additional layer of shielding to virtually eliminate electronic noise. The SUB-X cables feature brass RCA plugs with gold plating to guard against corrosion. AudioQuest attaches the connectors with its own specially formulated silver solder for efficient signal transfer.

Conditions: 7/10 (USED)

Price: RM 290.00 inclusive postage to West Malaysia
Postage Method: Citylink Courier / Poslaju / VIP Transport
Whatsapp: Choy 012-5685484

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Number of posts : 5981
Age : 43
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Registration date : 2012-07-11

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