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Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier

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Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Empty Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier

Post by peterclting Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:11 pm

Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier
In good condition 8/10

The Mark Levinson ML336 stereo power amplifier is a high-end component designed for audiophiles and serious music enthusiasts. Its key highlights include:
1. Massive Power Output:
• 350 watts per channel into 8 ohms
• 700 watts into 4 ohms
• 1,400 watts into 2 ohms, making it capable of driving even the most demanding speakers with ease.

2. Dual Mono Design:
Its independent left and right channel circuitry reduces crosstalk and ensures superior channel separation for precise soundstage imaging.

3. Fully Differential Topology:
The amplifier uses balanced differential circuitry from input to output, minimizing distortion and delivering clean, detailed sound.

4. Exceptional Build Quality:
• Built with heavy-duty construction, including massive heat sinks for effective cooling.
• High-quality components ensure long-term reliability.

5. Neutral and Transparent Sound:
The ML336 is known for delivering a natural, uncolored sound with impressive dynamics and detail, making it ideal for both music and movie playback.

6. Connectivity:
Balanced XLR and single-ended RCA inputs ensure compatibility with a variety of preamps and sources.

7. Stable Operation:
The amplifier remains stable even with low-impedance loads, making it suitable for high-end speakers that demand significant current.

8. Iconic Design:
Its sleek and minimalist aesthetic, paired with premium materials, fits perfectly in high-end audio setups.

            9.          Engineering:
All the engineering marvel of a large powerful amplifier that has the finese of the finest smaller amplifiers.
Massive Power Supply includes two large, completely independent power supplies—one for each channel. 
Each supply includes a high capacity low noise 2450 VA transformers and four 50,000 µF capacitors low ESR capacitors, two in each channel. Since these are true, dual monaural designs, each channel has its own dedicated power supply.
Heavy oxygen-free copper bus bars enhance the efficiency of power distribution within the amplifier and eliminate variances introduced by the wiring harnesses, etc. more commonly found even in high performance amplifiers. 

High frequency power supply bypass is accomplished on individual PC boards by five components of several film types. The resulting uniformly low power supply impedance seen by the various circuits within the amplifier lays the foundation for both the massive power and the extraordinary finesse that characterizes the 300-series.

The ML336 is a testament to Mark Levinson’s engineering excellence, combining power, precision, and musicality. 

Retail price was USD8,950
Now selling for RM22,500
Welcome to audition
Contact Audio Alchemy, Peter 012-3820333
Whatsapp me https://wa.me/message/DPSIPO7MHBUPA1

Specifications : 
Power output : 350 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)
Frequency response : 20Hz to 20kHz
Total harmonic distortion : 0.5%
Gain : 26.8 dB
Input sensitivity : 2.419V
Signal to noise ratio : 80dB
Speaker load impedance : 2Ω (minimum)
Dimensions : 446 x 229 x 478.3mm
Weight : 68.2kg

Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Img_1940
Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Img_1941
Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Img_1942
Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Img_1943

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Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier Empty Re: Mark Levinson ML336 Power Amplifier

Post by peterclting Today at 1:23 am


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