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Audience Au24 speaker cables (Used) SOLD

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Audience Au24 speaker cables (Used) SOLD Empty Audience Au24 speaker cables (Used) SOLD

Post by Nstarone Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:13 am

Audience Au24 speaker cables (Used) SOLD Dscf0612

Item: Audience AU24 2.5m pair speaker cable (used). Cardas spade termination. Note this is not the newer AU24e version that costs 20% more. The e-version is so new, I've not seen any second-hand yet.
Condition: 8.5/10 (Includes original packaging and is in excellent condition)
Selling price: RM1800
Terms: Cash
Contact: SMS or call Walter at 016 2281236
Status: SOLD

Lots of info on this very popular speaker cable (which is recommended by Stereophile). Two out of many reviews (randomly picked) are enclosed below:

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