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Monster® Video 3 component video cable (New)

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Monster® Video 3 component video cable (New) Empty Monster® Video 3 component video cable (New)

Post by DigitalTech Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:14 pm

Monster® Video 3 component video cable (New) Monste14

Item(s): Monster®️ Video®️ 3 Component Video Cable (2m-6.6ft)

Package includes: Everything as original retail packaging

Price: RM220.00
(Harvey Norman selling at RM785.00)

Dealing method: COD / Poslaju (RM8)

Location of seller: Petaling Jaya

Contact method/details: PM / cable4ht(a)gmail.com / 019-660 7381

Age of item: brand new (package is sealed - unopen)

Item(s) conditions: brand new

Monster® Video 3 component video cable (New) Monste15

• 24k gold contact RCA connectors for superior conductivity.
• Metal-to-metal double shield for maximum rejection of RFI and EMI.
• Nitrogen cellular dielectric for low attenuation and high velocity signal transfer.
• High resolution component video cable for the best possible picture.


Ultra-High Performance Video Cable with Gas-Injected Dielectric and Double Shielding for the Highest Resolution Picture

Monster Video 3 Offers Reference video Cable Performance
Monster Video 3's (MV3) reputation for delivering the clearest, sharpest picture and the brightest, most accurate colors is well-founded. MV3 was the first video cable ever to receive certification by the prestigious Imaging Science Foundation-the home theatre industry's recognized authority on video reproduction. With an extremely linear bandwidth to 550MHz and 75-Ohm impedance, MV3 offers consistently outstanding picture definition for composite video, component video and cable TV.

Get Into the Action with Monster HDTV

Ordinary cables can’t handle the high bandwidth of HDTV without downgrading it or losing some of the depth and vividness. Monster Video 3 delivers every nuance and high-def detail without signal loss, so you can be assured that you’re getting all the HDTV performance you paid for.

MV3 features a unique gas-injected dielectric for improved, high velocity signal transfer.
True metal-to-metal double shielding of foil and copper braid provides maximum protection against EM and RF interference.

Gas-Injection: the Fuel for Signal Transfer
MV3's signal-carrying conductor is embedded in the center of a unique dielectric (insulator). Gas is injected into the dielectric, creating uniform, microscopic cells that allow the conductor to rest in the exact center of the cable (even when the cable is bent). The result is consistent 75-Ohm impedance for maximum signal strength, constant performance and efficient transfer of video signals between components.

Certifiably the Best
The Imaging Science Foundation demands stringent standards be met for cable certifications. MV3 not only meets ISF standards but exceeds them. That's why ISF calls Monster Video 3 absolutely necessary for good pictures in home theatre. One look and you'll agree.

For more Monster®️ cables, please visit:
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 353
Age : 48
Location : Petaling Jaya
Registration date : 2009-01-19


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