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Proceed AMP2 & AMP3 (SOLD)

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Proceed AMP2 & AMP3 (SOLD) Empty Proceed AMP2 & AMP3 (SOLD)

Post by Anwar Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:39 pm

With the original packing boxes.

AMP2: 150W x 2 into 8 ohms, all channels driven; 250W into 4 ohms; 21.4 kg
AMP3: 150W x 3 into 8 ohms, all channels driven; 250W into 4 ohms; 27.7 kg

Inputs: RCA & XLR (select either one)
Output: 4 binding posts per channel

If purchased separately, RM2.2k for AMP2 and RM2.8k for AMP3.
If purchased together, RM4.5k for both (SOLD)

Reason for selling: clearing my old stuffs after upgrades.
Pictures will be loaded later.  Items are in Gombak, Selangor.

Please contact Anwar 012-4750395
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 150
Age : 59
Location : Bukit Jambul, Penang
Registration date : 2011-01-08

Character sheet
Source(s): AAMS+, Marantz SA-10, Oppo UDP-205, TW Raven Two + TW 10.5 with Benz LP-S + Triplanar VII with Quintet Black, Audio Research REF Phono 2SE
Amplification: Bent Audio silver slagleformer preamp, Bryston 10B-SUB, McIntosh MC452 for front, MC303 for center and rear
Speakers: Focal Diablo Utopia III for LCR, Focal IW 1002 Be for rear, 2 x JL Audio Fathom f113 subs

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