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Audio Pro LV2e Active WiFi Wireless Speakers (New)

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Audio Pro LV2e Active WiFi Wireless Speakers (New) Empty Audio Pro LV2e Active WiFi Wireless Speakers (New)

Post by steve126 Mon 27 Jan 2014, 13:48

Audio Pro LV2e Active WiFi Wireless Speakers (New) Audio_10
Audio Pro LV2e Active Wireless Speakers

Product Description

Once upon a time it was enough to hook-up charmless poorly-performing PC speakers to your computer. But you had to contend with messy wiring and desk top clutter. Now you can enjoy the easy freedom of wireless music from your computer with an innovative high-tech loudspeaker that delivers far beyond its size. LV2e is a fully active speaker driven by 2x25W Class D amplifiers (4x25W per pair), with a built-in wireless receiver that makes music so much easier to enjoy. Each amplifier is tailor-made for each driver. When it's designed this way, the amplifier can deliver exactly what each driver needs. Everything is handled with the precision of digital EQ and filtering. Consequently the LV2e is a small speaker with a very big voice. It has an elegantly shaped cabinet wrapped in red, white or black leather: luxury design inside and outside. Living LV2e is an evolution of the revolutionary wireless cult loudspeaker Living LV2. The luxury exterior is now available in red leather, as well as white and black. Equipped with a new remote, new aluminium driver, new display and internal power supply, the LV2e will perform like no other compact wireless speaker. When you experience the LV2e, it makes you feel as if everything is coming together perfectly.

  • Active Wireless loudspeaker system DSP, 2 way Bass Reflex enclosure.
  • 2 x 25W RMS + 2 x 25W RMS Digital class D
  • 1" soft dome tweeter, 4.5" woofer Frequency Range 45 - 22 KHZ
  • HxWxD 210x145x180mm
  • Black Or White Leather finish

Selling Price : RM 3860.00 (Call For Special Price)
Best regard
Steve Chua

CMY Audio & Visual Sdn. Bhd.
S336, 2nd Floor,
1 Utama Shopping Centre,
(New Wing) Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya.
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 373
Age : 43
Location : kuala lumpur
Registration date : 2009-03-11


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