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Nad 3150 Amplifier ( SOLD )

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Nad 3150 Amplifier ( SOLD ) Empty Nad 3150 Amplifier ( SOLD )

Post by rasenthiran Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:27 am

Nad 3150 Amplifier

Vintage (1983) 50 WPC Model, with incredible headroom, capable of driving even 2 Ohms loads with ease. Both build quality and sound are better than with modern NAD.
Those 50 Watts per channel are very underrated - this thing can drive ANY speakers to VERY loud levels. NAD 3150 is a high-end piece of equipment with pin-point imaging and great clarity of sound, allowing you to hear every note on the recording.This particular model was rated Class B in Stereophile magazine, and they don't give those ratings for nothing

-50 watts * 8 ohm
- Durable metal construction
- Dual-transformer DC (direct-coupled) design with four main filter caps
- Massive heatsinks
- Can be used as pre-amp or power amp
- 0.02% THD even at full power, and typically much less than that
- Loudness, Low Level, Mono, Infrasonic, Spkr EQ. Record output separate from play source.
- Aux, Tape1, Tape2, Phono, Tuner. A,B, A+B speaker switch.
- MM/MC compatible, with custom sensitivity selection
- Can be bridged if needed
- Switchable soft-clipping
- 16 1/2 x 13 x 4 inches, ~23lbs; slim and very heavy for the size

Nad 3150 Amplifier ( SOLD ) Front10

Nad 3150 Amplifier ( SOLD ) Inside10

Price = RMSOLD

Raj - 0126657671
Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 2538
Age : 43
Location : petaling jaya
Registration date : 2009-03-04

Character sheet
Source(s): Parasound Zdac/Marantz Cd 63 KI/Sony X505ES/
Amplification: Exposure Super 10/Classe DR-6/Sony TA N90ES/Sansui AU 777 /AU-719/Yamaha RXV-863 Receiver
Speakers: NHT Classic/Monitor Audio Studio 2/Heybrook HB 1

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