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CHORD Mojo headphone DAC launch

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CHORD Mojo headphone DAC launch  Empty CHORD Mojo headphone DAC launch

Post by maggielurva Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:57 am

most "old guard" hifi manufacturers, CHORD included, have branched off from traditional hifi and focused on 3C gadget market, where quality sound is still in demand at a more affordable price targeted at the mobile generations.

Centre CircleAudio, the authorized dealer for CHORD in malaysia, boldly takes the first step in merging high quality music with cool gadgets, hence the birth of this one-of-a-kind product launch.

Centre Circle + CHORD + pop pop music = a refreshing and winning combination

發燒音響趨向年輕人的 gadget 3C 市場。 很多老牌音響商,包括CHORD, 已早有遠見, 漸漸的把重心移至到這個市場。

本地音響商家 Centre CircleAudio 是 CHORD 的總代理, 大膽的創新把高素質音樂和 gadget  聯合, 造就了這的獨特的發布會

Centre Circle + CHORD + pop pop music = 絕對是耳目一新的配搭!
LCHORD Mojo headphone DAC launch  Most CHORD Mojo headphone DAC launch  Image10


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Registration date : 2009-01-19

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