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TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect

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TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Empty TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect

Post by HiFiLab Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:53 pm

TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Img_2074
TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Img_2075
TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Img_2076
TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Img_2078
TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Img_2077

Made In USA

TARA LABS uses the Austria of virgin copper in 1986, it is a manufacturer that produced the conductor of the world's first 6N.

PRISM 22 is a cable that has been released in around 1994, using a conductor that was super annealing in 6N-OFC, it has adopted the insulator and copper braided shield of HDPE.

User Review 1 for reference:

Having just extolled the virtues of a symmetrical, solid-core cable like Prism 11 along comes Prism 22, which has a more than successful stab at breaking the rules. There is nothing obviously amiss from a casual inspection - it has the same polished phono plugs and a turquoise jacket that's just as aromatic as Prism 11 or Prism 33.

However, unscrew a plug and Prism 22 reveals itself to be an asymmetric coaxial interconnect. The central signal conductor is still fashioned from a single thick strand of 6N-purity copper, but this is insulated with a layer of chunky HDPE before being surrounded by a multi-stranded braid of what looks like tin-plated copper.

Prism 22 uses this change in geometry to reduce its inductance without increasing resistance, pushing its resonant frequency clear of 30MHz. Moreover, it delivers a fresh and detailed sound, with a treble that sounds clear and bright but rarely grainy or coarse.

In a head-to-head with Prism 11, TARA Lab's Prism 22 won our panel's praise for its freer sound, quick dynamics, firm bass and excellent vocal projection. These qualities represent a subtle refinement over Prism 11 but more than justify the slight difference in cost.


[+]  Good bass definition with equally expressive mid and top.  
[-]  Treble is not quite as smooth as the very best.  

User Review 2 for reference:

the Prism is a classic coaxial design which uses a single 1.15mm diameter solid-core conductor and a braided copper shield as the return leg.

The sound is surprisingly smooth and spacious, with particularly sweet upper octaves.

This interconnect knows how to cater to violin and female voice. Treble transients are always under control, and there's plenty of low-level detail in evidence. OK, so it isn't perfect: there are slight losses in soundstage transparency, clarity, image outline palpability, and micro-dynamics. The total sonic signature reminds me of a vintage Dynaco Stereo 70 tube amp-and I mean that as a complement from the bottom of my heart. Considering the asking price and its level of textural liquidity, the Prism 2200 un-deniably represents a minor miracle. Kudos to the TARA Labs team, and especially cable meister Matthew Bond.

Price :  a)  RM 250 for 1.0 Meters Pairs
          b)  RM 330 for 1.5 Meters Pairs
          c)   RM 400 for 2.0 Meters Pairs

Contact Simon Ting 012-3612507

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Number of posts : 2971
Age : 45
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Registration date : 2011-03-12

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TARA LABS Prism 22 RCA Interconnect Empty BUMP

Post by HiFiLab Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:17 pm


Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 45
Location : klang
Registration date : 2011-03-12

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