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Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player

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Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player Empty Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player

Post by kungchinhong Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:07 pm

Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player Wechat38
Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player Wechat39
Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player Wechat40
•Condition almost like new(with fullset box)can ask for more picture or video

•Sacd playback superior build quality 

•3-pin balanced XLR stereo outputs for use with audiophile amplifiers

•High end blu-ray player entirely

•3D Blu-ray discs, SACDs, DVD-Audio discs, DVDs, CDs and rewritable discs

•Internet ready for playing Netflix, YouTube, Hulu and VUDU (subscription required for streaming services)

•No cinevia playback restriction(pirate disc pass tested)

•Reason for sales:want to upgrade

•Price for sales:(with fullset box)rm1700 only(new one usd999 convert to rm4+++)

Contact me if interested 0164288849~Fong

Last edited by kungchinhong on Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:43 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Lower price)

New Member
New Member

Number of posts : 20
Age : 36
Location : Alor Setar Kedah
Registration date : 2015-03-06

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Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player Empty Re: Marantz UD7007 super audio cd player/blu-ray player/sacd player/blu ray player/blu-ray player

Post by gettindirty Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:38 pm

Hei hello 👋

This unit still available?? 


Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Number of posts : 218
Age : 42
Location : Batu Pahat
Registration date : 2009-05-30

Character sheet
Source(s): Denon DCD-1600NE, Bluesound Node, Shanling M8 DAP
Amplification: Roksan Blak , Sound Artists SA-200IA, Yulong D200, Aune X8, Audioquest Dragonfly Red
Speakers: Proac D2R, Sonus Faber Lumina, Q Acoustics Concept 20, Q Acoustics M20, 64 Audio A12T, Fearless Audio S8F

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