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SOLD - CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control

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SOLD - CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control Empty SOLD - CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control

Post by raymond88 Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:30 pm

Item: CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control
Condition: Item is in very good working condition. Comes with remote control and powercord. Very open, smooth, detailed player.

Balanced and single ended analog outputs

Optical, AES/EBU, Coaxial outputs

Freq Resp: 20-20kHz +/-1dB
THD: <.025%
S/N Ratio: 93dB
Channel Seperation: 98dB
24/192 Burr Brown PCM1738 DAC's
Single-ended output stage
CDR/RW compatible
Outputs: RCA; Balanced; AES/EBU; Coaxial; Toslink

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Price: sold or swap/topup

Contact: 012-3816611

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State-of-the-art Cl and LEF technologies
Cl(Current Injection) is a landmark technology for shortening the signal path, improving the sound quality and measurement specs significantly. The eftective simplicity of Cl requires a non-feedback-loop amplifier. While Cl replaces the voltage amplifier, LEF guarantees the best performance of the current amplifier with low THD. The both technologies complement each other and overcome the limitations of traditional Op-amps to a better standard of music reproduction. The unique combination of Cl and LEF single-ended class A technologies in only one amplifier per balanced analog output state provides you with today's best possible sound quality. The amplifier section runs without overall negative feedback, and the amplifier creates no dynamic distortions.

Advanced D/A conversion
PCM1796 with balanced current output applied in the CD3300 is one of the latest Burr-Brown's DACS compatible with 24bit/192kHz. A multi-bit ladder-type design is ingeniously combined with a Delta-Sigma design to create a new hybrid advanced segment converter with superior dynamic range.

Attention to the power supply
A stable power supply is essential for high-quality sound reproduction. A toroidal power transformer provides completely separated power supplies for the CD drive and for the D/A conversion for the best performance. The detachable AC power cord can be changed to suit particular sound tastes.

Digital output
In addition to a coaxial and an optical digital outputs, the CD3300 also has an AES/EBU(XLR) digital output, enabling connection to a wide range of digital devices including external D/A converter and digital recording device like CD recorder.

Analog output
In addition to the conventional unbalanced RCA analog output, a balanced XLR output is applied for the best performance in CD3300 due to a truly balanced and full difterential signal proceeding.







Thank you

Last edited by raymond88 on Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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SOLD - CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control Empty Re: SOLD - CEC CD3300 Audiophile CD Player with Remote Control

Post by raymond88 Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:50 pm


Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 10770
Age : 56
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Registration date : 2009-05-04

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