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jadis orchestra (used)

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jadis orchestra (used) Empty jadis orchestra (used)

Post by skooi3 Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:33 pm

jadis orchestra (used) Jadis210

Description :
One of Jadis's famous entry level products, the Orchestra possesses an extraordinarily smooth balance throughout the spectrum, providing a stronger impression of live music. This is a piece of equipment that is grainless and effortless to listen to; utterly smooth and timbrally true to nature. It simply sounds more like real music than anything heard outside a show setting.
Specifications :
Bandwidth at -3 dB..........................5 Hz to 60 kHz
Load impedance..............................1 to 16 Ohms
Gain...............................................28 dB.
Inputs.............................................5 Lines inputs, 1 record output
Sensitivity for rated output................250mV rms
Input impedance..............................>100 Kohms
Output power at 1kHz......................40 Watts rms per channel
Dimensions (w x d x h)....................53 x 27 x 20 cm
Weight...........................................20 kg
Tubes.............................................2 x ECC83/12AX7
..............................................4 x EL34/6CA7

condition 8/10
contact ooi 0143233333/ 0174133333

Number of posts : 59
Age : 46
Location : penang
Registration date : 2009-03-27

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