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Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold

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Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold Empty Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold

Post by lawken Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:51 am

Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold D6717810
Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold 12a86a10
Furutech deStat 2 (Used) sold 23de8010

Furutech deStat 2 (Used). Condition 9/10. Full accessories. 

The DeStat II is incredibly easy to use and removes dust and static charge from audio/video media with a 10 second treatment. High performance enthusiasts know that static charges on analog and optical media - LPs, CDs and DVDs - can lead to sudden and distracting noise that compromises the experience. Simply place your media on or hold it under the Destat II and press one button! The powerful fan removes dust while the Destat II's Balanced Ion Flow Generator eliminates static.
Almost every A/V system component benefits from eliminating its static charge. Use the Destat II on the audio/video equipment itself - best to turn them off during treatment - plus power cords, line-level interconnects, speaker cables, and even metal record clamps!

The Destat II is small, efficient, with a rechargeable battery and easy to use with one hand. Each dust and static removal takes just 10 seconds. Plus a safety circuit prevents any small shocks from the Balanced Ion Flow Generator.

Asking sold


Pls call or WhatsApp me at 0123308998
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 1606
Age : 47
Location : KL
Registration date : 2009-01-20

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