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Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD)

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Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Empty Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD)

Post by bobosoe Sun 06 Aug 2023, 8:19 pm

Dear All,

I’m selling Legendary M-DAC by Audiolab in black colour. Winning a combination of 4 What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision Awards in a row, it’s no secret that the Audiolab M-DAC is one of the best ever sounding DACs ever made.

Complete with its Original Box, User Manual, Remote Control and Power Adaptor. DAC is in perfect working condition without any scratch or dent and most importantly without doubt its scintillating sound quality.

Latest “West Lake” firmware installed. One thing to highlight is its LCD display showing a bit dim to me compared to when it was new. But it is still viewable and can do every setting with its current brightness. Kindly refer to the pics.
I’m selling it with plan to upgrade to Eversolo DAC with some fancy features.

Audiolab M-DAC (Black)
Selling Price: SOLD
Location: Bandar Botanic, Klang
Prefer Cash on Collection.
If interested, please WhatsApp +60123473362 (Bo Bo). Kindly communicate with me in English only. I’m an expatriate working in Malaysia.

Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol11
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol12
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol10
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol13
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol14
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol15Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol17
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol16
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol18Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol21
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol20
Audiolab M-DAC (Black) (SOLD) Audiol19

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Number of posts : 16
Age : 50
Location : Klang (Bandar Botanic)
Registration date : 2010-08-08

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