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MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input

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MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input Empty MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input

Post by analogaudiolabs Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:00 pm

This excellent pre-amp is available at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


Original price SGD 1150/-.
Selling Price SGD 1100/-
MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input 509_2_Dared_MC7P
MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input 508_2_Dared_MC7P
Some reviews here: 6 Moons Review

MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input MC_7P_4a8fc7a1dbf8d

Frequency response: 10 Hz to 30 kHz
Signal to noise ratio: 93 dB
Signal to noise ratio(MM): 75 dB
MM gain: 39 dB
Tubes: 12AX7 X 4 nos, 12AT7 X 1 no, 6P6P X 1 no, 5Z3P X 1 no
Size: 34 cm X 29 cm X 16 cm
Weight: 12 Kg

Call +65 83195040 if interested

The tube covers (shielders) are coated with 18K gold (since all signal tubes are shielded, the preamp is very quiet -- one of the quietest MM phono preamps). Tube socket and PCB are planted with 18K gold too (no oxide issue here, best contact and connection). All signal wires are pure silver. The circuit design is very complex (Three tubes are used in power supply section in the circuit), Dared engineers and audiophiles worked together to collect best designs available and optimized this one with state-art technologies by computer programs. Here is, you simply cannot get better one with this price, period.

It uses 7 tubes and has two huge separate (yes separate--- only Dared design this way. Simply the best) power transformers: one for high DC volt and one for low volt of tube heaters and others. The capacitors use Audiophile grade and the key resistors use NOS AB and Vishay non-inductive. The tubes come with the amp are Chinese stock Ruby tubes.

Visit [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for more models


Tube preamp with phono input. Separate power supply module for a improved noise floor.
Selling for 650/-

MC-7P tube Preamp with phono input SL_2000_4b5bcabfd1280

A simple design but great performance
Separate power supply unit
Phono input

Frequency response: 10 Hz to 30 kHz
Tubes: 6Z4 X 1, 12AX7 X 1, 12AT7 X 1
Size: 22.5 cm X 12 cm X 9.5 cm
Weight: 6.5 Kg (including the power supply)

Call +65 83195040 if interested

Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider
Dealer\Reseller\Trader\Service Provider

Number of posts : 263
Age : 41
Location : singapore
Registration date : 2012-08-04

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